Legal Claims

Website Terms of Use
By accessing and using the Future Motors (Macao) Limited and its associated ("FML") sites, you are agreeing to these Terms without limitation or qualification. Your access to the FML site is therefore subject to these Terms as well as to all applicable laws.

Update of Terms
FML reserves the right to update these Terms at any time as business needs require in its sole discretion without notice or liability to you, and you are hereby invited to visit this page to check these Terms each time you visit the site. By continuing to use this site following such updates to these Terms you agree to be bound by the most recent version of these Terms.

Use of Information and Materials
All information included in this site is for information purposes only and is not legally binding. Users of this site should obtain appropriate professional advice when necessary. This site shall not be used or relied upon by you as a substitute for information that is available for you from any of FML’s offices, showrooms and service workshops.
Whilst every care has been taken in preparing the information and materials contained in this website, such information and materials are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. In particular, no warranty regarding non-infringement, security, accuracy, fitness for a purpose or freedom from computer viruses is given in connection with such information.
FML may at any time in its sole discretion without prior notice to you, add to, amend or remove materials from this site, or alter the presentation, substance or functionality of this site. 

The price information contained in or provided through this FML site is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell. Any purchase shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the individual sales contract.

Use of Cookie Technology
FML uses cookie technology to allow FML to trace the paths followed by you to the FML site, to help FML in registering user activity at the FML site and to evaluate and improve the FML site, in order to make it more useful to you. FML does not register information on individual users, through this technology, so no information about you in particular will be kept or used. Please note that you can set your browser not to accept cookies or warn you in case cookies are sent. However note that by disabling cookies you may not be able to access all parts of this site.

Personal Data/User Input
FML respects the privacy of visitors of this site. All personal data collected by FML will be handled in accordance with its Privacy Policy
You are entitled to request access to personal data held by FML about you and to correct such data. You may direct your request in writing to FML’s Marketing Division, Future Motors (Macao) Limited at Avenida do Coronel Mesquita No. 48-48-D, Ind. Man Kei, A,R/C, Macau. FML reserves the right to charge a reasonable fee for such data access or data correction requests.
Where FML is under no obligation to monitor and/or review any input placed on the FML site by users and assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever relating to any such user input, FML reserves the right to check from time to time such user input and to remove any such input from the site without justification.

Copyright and Intellectual Property Notice
The presentation and all contents of this site are protected under intellectual property laws and rights (including without limitation laws protecting copyright, design and trade mark). You may only use the information, text, pictures or graphics contained in this site for your personal, non-commercial use and may not reproduce, modify, transmit, store in a retrieval system, copy, license, distribute, publish or use in any other way without the prior written consent of FML, except for viewing.

All intellectual property rights subsisting in respect of this site (including the trademarks, logos and service marks shown in this site) are the properties of FML or third parties which have been lawfully licensed to FML for use on this site. You are prohibited from using, downloading permanently, copying, reproducing, republishing, modifying, altering or distributing them in any way without the written permission of FML or such third parties, as the case may be.

The FML site may contain hypertext links to other Internet sites which are completely independent of this site. FML make no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of the information contained in any such hypertext link or other Internet site, and access to any other Internet sites linked to the FML site is at your own risk. These hyperlinks to other Internet sites do not constitute any endorsement by FML of such websites or the information, products, advertising or other materials available on those websites.

Prohibition of Access
FML reserves the right at all times to prohibit or deny your access to this site or any part thereof immediately and without notice, where we are of the opinion that you have breached any of these Terms or that such prohibition or denial is appropriate, desirable or necessary in our sole opinion.

The materials on this site are directed solely at persons accessing this site from Macao. We make no representation that any product or service referred to on this site is available, or appropriate for use in any other location.

You agree to defend, indemnify and hold FML, its subsidiaries and affiliates, the employees, agents, officers, directors, contractors, suppliers and other representatives of FML, its subsidiaries and affiliates harmless from and against all liabilities, damages, claims, actions, costs and expenses (including legal fees), in connection with or arising from your breach of these Terms and/or your use of this site.

Limitation of liability
FML assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable for any damage or injury arising out of or in relation to any use of or access to this site, or any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, computer viruses, communication line failure, interception of online communication, software or hardware issues, or any downloading of data, text, images or other information or material from this site.
FML specifically disclaims any liability of FML, or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or special damages arising out of or in any way connected with your access to or use of the FML site, including but not limited to any loss or damage caused by viruses affecting your computer equipment or your reliance on information obtained through the FML site.
The exclusions and limitations of liability in these Terms apply only to the extent permissible under applicable laws.

The illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Terms under the law of any jurisdiction shall not affect its legality, validity or enforceability under the laws of any other jurisdiction nor the legality, validity or enforceability of any other provision.
No waiver of any breach under these Terms will amount to a waiver of any other breach. The headings in these Terms are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation.
In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms, the English version shall prevail.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These Terms shall be governed by the laws of Macao. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Macao courts.